Jan 4, 2015

Click HERE to check out the remarkable dioramas of Chinese dissident artist Ai WeiWei.
For our next project we,too, will make DIORAMAS. Unlike Ai WeiWei's unjust depiction of reality, our dioramas will depict scenes from myths and fairy tales told around the world.
In what ways do you think the artist Ai WeiWei uses his art as a form of activism?


KSolis said...

I think that Ai's art is so powerful because it has a lot of meaning and personal attachment to each piece. Ai creates work not only to take a stand against the wrongs he sees in his country, but also to bring justice in a way and to prevent future generations from having to experience all he went through. I think that Ai uses his art as a tool in the form of proof. By documenting his experience, he was able to then use it for activism. He also made art his tool because that is what he used to express himself to the people. He made a much stronger impression by recreating a visual for what he lived through than he would have ever made by simply verbally retelling his story.

Maddie Nash said...

Ai Weiwei creates controversial artwork in order to catch people's attention on issues or topics he believes are flawed as well as important. In addition to being esthetically pleasing, his artwork draws people's attention and makes them listen to what he has to say. Weiwei has been incredible controversial, leading him to be detained for expressing his ideas. I think he picked a very peaceful topic to platform his activism. Although all art pieces tell a story, some are more intense than others. Making art is a very internally challenging process but it leads to beautiful pieces of self expression and I think that's what Weiwei is trying to do - express himself and his believes in a non aggressive way (for the most part). He knows that people will listen to a piece of art more than a petition, it casts a harsher image.

Goethalss said...

Ai Wei Wei's art is such a strong form of protest because of its simplicity. His pieces are not physically complex, which allows viewers to focus more on their meaning (an example of this would be when he paints over ancient pots. This is not especially complex but sends a huge message). Wei Wei's art is also a documentation of his experience in a world that he feels is unjust. By showing his various interactions through Twitter and documentaries, he is uncovering the truth of his situation while creating art that can be widely seen.

Juan Con said...

What is so interesting about Ai Weiwei is that his work is so strong and powerful, but Ai Weiwei doesn't believe he is in any way being brave. In the documentary we saw in class, he was already doing a lot of things that would seriously piss of the government, and obviously it did because he was jailed for it. But now, despite being imprisoned, Weiwei continues to make art that truly recognized the fundamental purpose of art, to express beliefs. People may believe that his pieces are not physically complex, but they really are. There is an amazing amount of detailing on the people in the dioramas. These are all reconstructed through memory, and he manages to detail the walls, the floors, he even paid attention to patterns on the floors and beds. These were all done at half-scale, so creating them was not an easy task. The most impressive and powerful aspect of Ai Weiwei is despite being imprisoned, he continues to make powerful art with the goal to shed light on the injustices of the world, specifically China.

Unknown said...

Ai WeiWei is an activist who uses art as his tool for influencing the public. His "in your face" pieces of art spare no time in addressing the issues he currently sees in his society. He wishes to help open the imagination of all the Chinese public and just about the whole world. His dioramas show the troubles he's faced as he has attempted to live in a society full of oppression as if he were in a democracy. He acts how he feels the rest of the public should be acting. He wants everyone to be unique and to have the ability to voice their opinion and for the government to allow such activity. He uses his art to convey that message.

Alina Hillery said...

I think that Ai Wei Wei's art is so powerful because he creates it immediately after some incident provokes him, such as his experience in jail. He is not afraid of causing controversy; in fact, he wants to get people to talk about his work. I think he is most effective because he uses all different mediums to portray his thoughts like dioramas, photos, sunflower seeds, and vases. In addition, he makes sure that he spreads awareness to as many people as possible through social media. It is interesting how much he depends on Twitter to reach out to people. Ai Wei Wei is inspiring because he never stops fighting for rights no matter what he is threatened with.

Unknown said...

Ai WeiWei uses art as a form of activism by depicting societal issues through installations. His backpack installation was powerful because it was so large yet represented such a small fraction of the children killed in the earthquake and displayed the actual number of children dead due to faulty government structures. His diorama's also show the viewer his lack of freedom within China. Even before his detainment he was constantly watched by the Chinese government. By creating these extremely detailed dioramas, Ai WeiWei shows his inability to express himself without government eyes on him. By depicting these ideas through art and broadcasting them throughout the internet and social media he raises awareness and activates change.

Unknown said...

Ai WeiWei's art is unique in that its initial purpose was not to create a movement against the Chinese government. I believe that Ai WeiWei was originally making art to just challenge people to think differently, and he fell into the role of a social activist. However, he stepped up to the plate, upon realizing that his art was causing people to take a stand, and embraced his role as a public figure. For someone that does not live in China, he highlights the liberties that we take for granted and that most Chinese do not have. I also find it extremely interesting that he pairs his art activism with the rising popularity of social media to spread news. In doing so, he reaches an even wider audience and really gets his messages to everyone.

Miao Gong said...

Ai WeiWei's art is the most explicit form of showcasing activism in my opinion. His installation of the backpacks is a symbol of awareness for the injustices that continue to occur. Art is interpreted differently for everyone and WeiWei's art is a way for activism to thrive given the circumstances of China's government. By using different mediums, he is able to highlight the social injustice.

Imany Noel said...

Ai WeiWei uses his art as a form of activism by portraying the art as if it is only a "clear understanding of the conditions." By portraying his art in such a way he wins the public's sympathy. He does this by using the dioramas to show that his innocence was violated. for example, why are you watching me use the restroom, eat and shower? What can i possibly do? But the soldiers were probably a bit more relaxed than he makes them seem. This kind of stuff is what you need in art to make people empathize with it and it is also why his art is so powerful.

Unknown said...

It seems as though art, to Mr. Ai, represents a way for knowledge and representation and every other facet of the daily lives or the realities of life in a way that seems to strip a scenario or an idea down to its core. For example, his census of names which he, personally, collected in order to properly examine and draw attention to the tragic loss of human life and potential due to shoddy construction of homes and schools commissioned by the government. Contrary to some art or artists who attempt to cast light on some pure aspect of humanity, Ai WeiWei uses his art to further an activist cause through his employment of devices which strike a chord in the hearts and the minds of those who care to pervade his work's striking profound nature, all wrapped up in the skin of today.

Unknown said...

Ai WeiWei is an activist who uses art as a form of communicating his beliefs with the public. I don't believe that Ai WeiWei attempts to strike up rebellion or friction between the Chinese government and it's people but I think that he just wants to express his personal views at the end of the day--art is all about self-expression. I also believe that he wants people to see the world from different perspectives and challenges them to think about the world around them. In doing so, Ai WeiWei has become a social activist. He is aware of his role in society and has been brave enough to uphold it, even on social media (an extremely large platform). By doing what he loves and portraying what he believes in, he has become a national figure and has inspired many.

Unknown said...

Ai Weiwei creates artwork in order to challenge the norms in his country. Rather than sit back and take the abuse, he stand up for himself as well as his fellow citizens. Rather than a metaphorical *#$@ you, Ai holds his middle finger up to all the corruptness and encourages his followers to do the same. He is not afraid to die for what he thinks his right and he is prepared to do so. He uses his art as a platform for his ideas, but overall his drive and willingness shine through in his work. He speaks what he believes and will not be silenced.

Unknown said...

I think that Ai WeiWei uses his art as a form of activism because through his art he is able to expose the injustices occurring in China. But, I also feel that he is not able to expose the government without the help of social media. So by using modern technology and art he is able to show the whole world his interpretation of social and political issues. Ai creates a lot of controversy with his art because the artwork he produces depicts China negatively. Even the Chinese government sees his form of activism, which is probably why they jailed him. Ai WeiWei using his artwork as a means of activism is a very strong way for him to stand up for what he believes in because art can be very public and meaningful.

Anonymous said...

How Ai WeiWei uses art as a form of protest is by first using an unorthodox method/form to get your attention. Then, you begin to think about whatever topic/point he's trying to convey. His idea is then spread to you and you have become aware of the issue. In a way, that's a sign of a successful protest, getting your issue known.

Unknown said...

Just like China’s government policies regarding freedom of expression constantly fluctuate, Ai WeiWei’s art varies in meaning and medium. Ai WeiWei’s art often gets right to the point and is not held back by the consequences when making a statement that goes against the government. Understanding the risks Ai WeiWei takes by creating his artworks really brings out the power in his art. The risks Ai WeiWei takes to create his art combined with his genuine artistic talents allows for Ai WeiWei’s art to peacefully get the attention of the public and the government. Ai WeiWei is not driven by money when making his art, he is driven by a need for reform in China. His art is for his people, many of whom suffer from the Chinese government’s policies.

Unknown said...

Ai Wei Wei creates bold and controversial art pieces that seem to challenge the political order in China. Although a lot of his artwork seems to get negative attention from the Chinese government I do not believe he is intentionally trying to create tension between the people and the government. I believe that Ai Wei Wei is only fighting for the freedom to express himself through his artwork. Which may seem like an act of activism to others but to him it may just be a man struggling with the injustices of the world and trying to fight for his rights. He uses his artwork to catch the attention of viewers and uncover the corruptions of the world.

Anne Rogers said...

Ai WeiWei uses his art to express the situation in China imposed on the people in a way that is impactful to outsiders. Other forms of political activism can convey the same information, but his art makes it seem more real.

Brenda Quach said...

Ai WeiWei's artwork is a form of political activism because it exposes the injustices of the Chinese government system he experienced during his time in prison. His dioramas allow others to experience the same things he did-- the abuse, oppression, and discomfort that WeiWei underwent. His installations tell his story to everyone, even if the government doesn't want him to. Not only is it a way to raise political awareness, it is a protest against the government.

Unknown said...

Each one of Ai WeiWei's dioramas is powerful because each depicts a scene directly from his memory. Ai WeiWei strictly uses what he vividly remembers. He uses the details of his confinement to show how extreme the Chinese government is. For example, he was watched over every minute of everyday. This one detail is the most powerful since it draws attention to every diorama. The dioramas are used as a diary for Ai WeiWei, with each one telling the story of his confinement. They serve as a way to knock down the wall between self-expression and the Chinese government.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The 2008 Olympics, 2010 world exposition, and second largest economy created a superior image of China. Ai Wei Wei’s artwork presents an emotional disturbing situation of China which is anonymous to the majority of the world. His work depicts the harsh conditions of illegal punishment and the government’s lack of assistance. Ai Wei Wei creates a visual representation of self expression and a visual proof of China’s undemocratic and criminal methods, unlike media controlled by the Chinese government.His activist artwork is brimming with sorrow, disgust but, more importantly, optimism for a better future. The world is finally able to see China’s true image through the simplistic artwork created by Ai Wei Wei.

Minh Nguyen said...

Ai WeiWei's art is all about the message or idea behind it - they are highly representational. Some are obvious and some are subtle, but really what makes his art special is his message. So in looking at his art, in order for anyone to get the full effect or feel the full impact of the art, you need to know the context behind it. His pieces themselves are usually large or very bold. His photographs of flipping off well-known sites are just an example of his bold imagery. In exploring his themes and messages, while being kept interested by his style and unique work, you understand his (and others) struggle more intimately.

Unknown said...

Ai Weiwei uses his art as a way to get people’s attention. I believe that pictures (and art in general) can often have more meaning than words. The dioramas that Ai created don’t just describe the conditions he faced, they directly show us. Art is a more captivating form of activism and is also a peaceful way to do so. It gets the attention of many people, and in my opinion, it gets the attention more than text would. Art is also available for everyone to see and interpret; you don’t have to be literate to have it make sense to you.

Unknown said...

I think Ai WeiWei uses art as a way of communicating his beliefs with the public. I don't think he means to cause any tension with the Chinese government or its people but rather just wants to show his point of views. I believe he just wants to expose the reality of what people try to keep quiet and in secret. He challenges society to think about whats going on around them and see the many faces associated with it. With his art and a great help from social media (which spreads very fast), he has become a social activist. Weiwei knows what kind of situations he puts himself in ( since his art is very uncensored and straight foward)and how he stands in society and public eye, but is one of the very few to keep acting upon it. The public's reaction motivates him and he clearly states thats its "an obligation" of his to show things by what they really are.

Unknown said...

I think Ai Weiwei uses his art as a way of bringing people's attention to an issue that they had not considered before. He uses his out to call out the wrongs of his government in a medium that everyone-rich or poor, educated or uneducated- can understand. Just as his census of all the children that had died in the earthquake revealed the extent of the damage the government had tried to cover up, his dioramas show the lengths the government will go to keep these dissidents silent. By portraying these issues in a visual way, rather than say, writing about them in the newspaper, he opens them up to all, making the crimes of his government clear and unmistakable.

Unknown said...

Ai WeiWei, though unintentionally, has become the poster boy for a global activist group anxious to learn more about the problems of China's government. His art is very simple but bold. Though he does not necessarily work for the purpose of obtaining activist followers, his art does express critiques of the government, such as the photos of him holding up his middle finger to well known government buildings. Through social media, his art has become famous, putting him in a unique position of being nearly untouchable by China's government. Because his massive group of followers protects him from the usual silencing of the government's critics, the value and meaning of his art is constantly rising and becoming more and more controversial. I think his statements are extremely important for the world to understand what is really going on in a country whose people have no voice.

Unknown said...

i think Ai,s art is a form of activium because he uses it in a way that presents a truth as fact. in this he also reveals the falas which are present in the political isue. also Ai,s uses his art to reveal the true nature of the problem to his suporters and in doing this he gains a army to back hime up. i like the quote that the moive uses " aiweiwei is an artist that just knows how to tell his point in a vary well way".

Unknown said...

I think Ai Weiwei's art is so powerful because he is not afraid of what is going to happen to him. because of this what this does is that he uses his art for a underlineing part that he want's to be heard and that his ideas do matters. when i saw what his diagrams are about i thought that this is showing the truth and that the truth is the most and utmost top form a artist can do to show activism in his art. I think the truth is the best part of his art.

Unknown said...

Ai's dioramas in particular are a form of activism because they expose injustices that have been inflicted on him - and surely many others - by the Chinese government. His art both raises awareness about and directly opposes the abuse of power displayed by the government by exposing it's secrets unyieldingly and with admirable disregard for personal consequences.