Apr 3, 2011

check out the art of Andrea Zittel and post your comments!
She might not first call herself an artist-- maybe interior designer, architect, psychologist,fashion designer all in one category. She's very interested in personal/public spaces. In thinking of birdhouses, I see her Indiana Island Project as a human-scaled space with birdhouse proportions. Interested in spending the summer in there? Could be lots of fun.


Lechok said...

I really enjoyed looking at all the various pieces of work that were created. They all ranged from smaller useful item such as clothes to bigger items that were simply gorgeous like the houses. I really thought while looking at the pictures of the houses that I wanted to live in one of them because they were so beautiful. I really said "WOW" or "that's really cool" to all of the pieces created. I especially enjoyed the work station with everything in reach as well as the fact that it looked like something that I would have much use for. These pieces really were incredible to look at and it's amazing that someone even made them.

CarolineD'Andrea said...

I'm so glad that there are picture of the inside of the Indianapolis Project structure. It looks very cute inside, although personally I would not want to live there. The shape reminds me of an igloo, probably because of the color and dome shape, but then there is a surprising wooden door. I enjoyed looking at Zittel's clothing as well. All of the pieces are so unique and have a lot of detail. Some of her pieces remind me of a birds nest or a spider web with all of the holes and strings, and I can't believe that Zittel can crochet with her hands! Unbelievable!

septicair said...

I find it really interesting to look at the website because Andrez Zittel applies a lot of design elements into her work. She also used a lot of circles in furniture, haha. I'm not sure how functional some of the things are like the dishless table, but I really like some of her other ideas like the mesh between restaurant sink and private bathroom in cleansing chamber. She has really creative ideas I would have never imagined.

ps this is victoria jiang

Christina said...

for some odd reason my computer will not load most of the picture so i will go off with what saw. I'm not to crazy about this artiest work like the furniture pieces but i did like the igloo piece i thought it was interesting because it was this weird white thing in the middle of a lake/pond. at first i thought it was a melting iceberg because there was leaves on the trees.

Daisy said...

I enjoy more of the sculptures that are available for everyone and not so much the ones like Indianapolis Island (or the more "residential" sculptures). The "residential" sculptures look more constrained and tailored to fit another person's needs/tastes, which strays from what I would want to post as my artwork, unless the sculpture was unique to me. I really liked her "Deserted Islands" instead - I always love the out-of-place public sculptures.

Unknown said...

i don't really like this project.. it seems too surreal, and kind of fakey.. it is very much like an igloo, which kind of throws me off, and it seems very much like one of those weird "homes of the future" things. i don't know. the concept is interesting, like living in isolation for x amount of days or weeks. it reminds me of the exhibition at the science and industry where volunteers lived inside a glass box for however long.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite projects of Andrea's was the igloo-house-creation in Indianapolis. I think it is really cool that each person that lives in the house is able to adapt and modify the island’s structure according to their individual needs, which allows personalization and allows everyone that lives in the house to become an "artist." It looks so peaceful to live there, and I think that it is really cool when people's art and other creations are used in a practical matter, in this case a house!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed looking at Andrea Zittel's website. I thought her work was just going to be sculptures, so I was surprised when I saw that she designed furniture, clothes and houses! I think the Indianapolis Project structure was really novel idea, especially how it was decided that each of the inhabitants get to change the interior. The Project's location, though probably quiet and peaceful, seems incredibly isolated.
I also liked how a lot of the furniture pieces had unusual names, like "Cleansing Chamber" and "Bofa" which caught my attention.

Unknown said...

Andrea Zittel's pieces were definitely very interesting. All of her space designs were simple and organized. I like the idea of the Indy Island. I feel like living inside this small space would be interesting and you'd definitely learn a lot about yourself (and your living mate if you have one). I guess I wasn't too wowed by the designs of the spaces. They have that very modern look which I don't personally like. I feel like everything is too bare and empty. Despite that though, I think her designs were very interesting and creative. It is also wonderful to see that she is capable of making pieces in different areas such as furniture, housing, and clothing. She is versatile.

Unknown said...

Her art/designs are so diverse, from clothing and living spaces to furniture and breeding units! I found the "Breeding Unit for Averaging Eight Breeds" piece very interesting (i love science!) and am curious as to how it works...

Also, I like how she blogs about her daily life...it makes her more relatable and shows us that she is just a normal person who is passionate about what she loves!

Amy Jiang

Sarah N. said...

This was very odd...,cool though. the little house was interesting,
I also wouldn't want to live in it , but still it was very artistic. I went and looked through her other collection, i especially liked her furniture collection, the pit bed was so cool.

sara said...

Although Andrea Zittel might not call herself an artist, i certainly think she could fit the title of a sculptor. From her clothes to furniture to unique structures, she definitely has a talent for all of these crafts. All of her pieces are very cool to look at but personally not my taste. She has a very modern, contemporary, and simple look to her pieces. I found the igloo most interesting because i could not imagine living in such a small space for so long, i'm sure i'd learn a lot about myself but i'd also probably go nuts.

jeremy o said...

These models of los cabezas are really detailed and cool looking. The one where the head is coming out of the bear's mouth is byfar my favorite. if i had those sculpting ability skills i could live a happy life making these awesome pieces

jeremy o said...

These models of los cabezas are really detailed and cool looking. The one where the head is coming out of the bear's mouth is byfar my favorite. if i had those sculpting ability skills i could live a happy life making these awesome pieces

Monica said...

I went through a lot of her different designs and creations, and although some are cool, many seem kind of impractical. For example, the "comfort unit" seemed a bit pointless, and the "body processing unit" (a mix of a kitchen and bathroom) seems almost disgusting. Some saved space, but at the same time, I feel like the things she brought together should just stay separate.
I did think the "6 month uniforms" were a strange idea, but I mainly liked how the last uniform had pants so she could tend to her chickens.

Unknown said...

I really like how detailed all of the pieces were. I liked how all the pieces varied in size and shape. Watching them being made was very interesting, very cool project.

Hannah said...

While the floating house was interesting, I was most impressed by her kitchen designs. Zittel's cool cabinets and perfect-for-chilling tables are so quirky, but I could totally imagine being in her kitchen and loving every minute of cooking in it. Her dishless dining table is hilarious, as is the body-processing unit! She seems to put a lot of meaning and enjoyment into each piece, and while they may not always be the most functional units, they certainly have character and a "look".

Allison S. said...

Zittel's used a variety of technique in her artwork. A lot of her work are functional objects and very simple. She also has a lot of intricate objects that make her collection interesting and unique. One piece that really caught my eye, was a couch that looked like a huge rock. It was so cool and different.

Unknown said...

I definitely would not want to live in any of these places. A few of them seemed cool in theory, but a kitchen and bathroom together is more than a little gross. I think I'll just pay the extra money to keep them seperate. Also, I think living in isolation not only made her learn more about herself, but probably aso made her a little crazy. Her versatility is admirable, as is her determination and dedication to her art. Even though she doesn't seem to think shes an artist, I can't think of a better word for her.

susan said...

I really liked looking at her website. I like how she played with the idea that form follows function, by seeing if human functions change when the form changes. It would be interesting to see how a person's daily routine would change. Another thing that I thought were cool were the mobile homes. They remind me of an interactive piece that has been in the MCA which I also thought was very interesting.

Hayley said...

I really liked browsing through Andrew Zittel's sculptures. I love how they are modern and innovative but practical as well. My favorites were the Wagon Stations, Cellular Compartment Units, Escape vehicles, and the Homestead Units. When I clicked on each name before the picture loaded I tried to guess what the sculptures would look like and I was always surprised. They remind me of playhouses for adults where you have to crawl through a hole or climb a latter to get to the play rooms except they are offices or sleeping rooms, etc. I loved her work and would love to see it in person.

Michelle said...

Well this is quite late but I thought I'd post something anyway. I think that Andrea Zittel is one of the quirkiest people I've read about in a while. I guess that's what makes her so successful. The weirdest/coolest thing I saw on her website was the "BREEDING UNIT FOR REASSIGNING FLIGHT." It's for chickens, I think, or some kind of bird that can't fly, and supposedly it's supposed to naturally select/teach the birds to fly again after they produce offspring. At least that's what I gathered from the pictures, it doesn't actually say. I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not. Funny stuff!

harley said...

I really like the Indianapolis Island. I thought that it was pretty awesome that someone actually made that and uses it. I liked the little islands that were in a city in a pond. It helped add some more life to the pond and made it a little more interesting to look at. I'll admit that it's kind of weird to look at but I like it.

Khadijah Weathers said...

i know this if very late but this is by far the best before the man with the whole circus thing...i really liked the little island thing it was like a bird hours time four...it waws very vivid in detail and gave off a peaceful vibe :)